About the Choice Forum

The Choice Forum started in the year 2000 in response to research which showed that many people working with people with learning disabilities were isolated and would appreciate receiving more support in their quest to support people with learning disabilities to have more choice in their lives.

The online PMLD Network, which is now incorporated in the Choice Forum, started in 2003 in partnership with the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities and the broader off-line Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities Network. It enables people to share ideas, let each other know about resources and events, ask questions, find answers and support each other in working together to make things better for children and adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities.

Until autumn 2015, the Choice Forum and PMLD Network were largely based on email communications, and its web presence was for members only. We felt it was important to give them a greater presence on the Internet and make them searchable, while retaining the ability to read and post via email. Importantly, the new Choice Forum and PMLD Network also work well with mobile devices.

We aim to be a neutral space where people supporting people with learning disabilities can come together to exchange knowledge, experience and information, to highlight and discuss the issues that concern us, to support each other, and to be a friendly place to meet online.

In keeping with the aim to be a neutral place, the Choice Forum is independent, and run by people involved with the community. It is hosted by Together 4 Change in partnership with the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities.

If you would like to get in touch or volunteer to help with the forum, please use our contact form which can be found here.