The UK Learning Disabilities Forum
Since 2000, the Choice Forum has been been the place to discuss issues affecting the lives of people with learning disabilities in the UK.

Everyone who wants people with learning disabilities to have a better life is very welcome.
Members include people with learning disabilities, parents, friends, relatives, people working in the field, national and local policy makers, service providers and commissioners.
The Choice Forum is a neutral, friendly place where we can come together online
- to ask questions about supporting people with learning disabilities
- to exchange knowledge, experiences and information
- to highlight and discuss concerns
- to support each other
- to find out the latest learning disability related news, events and information, and
- to connect with other like-minded people.
The Choice Forum incorporates the PMLD Network. You can find out more about our history here.
We are run by Together 4 Change, in partnership with the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities.